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Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 301 - 320 из 402
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2017Research of the Autonomic Regulation in the Formation of the Brain Microwave Radiation Restoration Processes during Rehabilitation of the Stroke PatientsKublanov, V.; Borisov, V.; Kazakov, Y.; Azin, A.
2020New technology for humerus reconstruction with a free fibular autologous graft in hypotrophic pseudarthrosisBorzunov, D. Yu.; Mokhovikov, D. S.; Kolchin, S. N.
2017Impact of Inter-ventricular Lead Distance on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy OutcomesChumarnaya, T.; Trifanova, M.; Lyubimtseva, T.; Lebedeva, V.; Poroshin, I.; Trukshina, M.; Lyasnikova, E.; Sitnikova, M.; Lebedev, D.; Solovyova, O.
2016Mechanoelectrical transduction in the hydrogel-based biomimetic sensorsBlyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Zubarev, A. Yu.; Shklyar, T. F.; Dinislamova, O. A.; Lopez-Lopez, M. T.
2017Computational Study of Thermal Changes during the Non-invasive Neuro-electrostimulation of the Nerve Structures in the Human Neck Modelling Using Finite Element MethodKublanov, V.; Babich, M.; Dolganov, A.; Kornilov, F.; Sajler, A.
2019Organism’s responses to a long-term inhalation of silicacontaining submicron particles of an industrial aerosSolovyeva, S. N.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvich, V. B.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Slyshkina, T. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Shur, V. Ya.; Zubarev, I. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.
2015Some inferences from in vivo experiments with metal and metal oxide nanoparticles: the pulmonary phagocytosis response, subchronic systemic toxicity and genotoxicity, regulatory proposals, searching for bioprotectors (a self-overview)Katsnelson, B. A.; Privalova, L. I.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Gurvich, V. B.; Loginova, N. V.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Kireyeva, E. P.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Beikin, Ya. B.; Makeyev, O. H.; Valamina, I. E.
2015Some factors behind density dynamics of bat flies (diptera, nycteribiidae) — ectoparasites of the boreal chiropterans: omitted predictors and hurdle model identificationOrlova, M. V.; Kshnyasev, I. A.; Orlov, O. L.; Zhigalin, A. V.
2016Metabolic Disturbances in Obese Pregnant Residents of an Industrial Region (The Urals, Russia)Kovalchuk, L. A.; Tarkhanova, A. E.; Chernaya, L. V.; Mikshevich, N. V.
2020Pathomorphology of articular cartilage of the knee and ankle joints in experimental repair of postresection tibial defect using the Ilizarov method and cement spacerStupina, T. A.; Diuriagina, O. V.; Emanov, A. A.; Mokhovikov, D. S.; Borzunov, D. Yu.
2016White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North AmericaZukal, J.; Bandouchova, H.; Brichta, J.; Cmokova, A.; Jaron, K. S.; Kolarik, M.; Kovacova, V.; Kubátová, A.; Nováková, A.; Orlov, O.; Pikula, J.; Presetnik, P.; Šuba, J.; Zahradníková Jr, A.; Martínková, N.
2019Design magnetic matrices for cell technology supporting devicesVolchkov, S. O.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Blyakhman, F. A.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2020Risk-oriented approach in analyzing epidemiologic situation with incidence with tick-borne encephalitis on endemic territoriesSergeev, A. G.; Mishchenko, V. A.; Bykov, I. P.; Romanenko, V. V.; Chistyakova, L. G.; Alimov, A. V.
2016Mechano-electric heterogeneity of the myocardium as a paradigm of its functionSolovyova, O.; Katsnelson, L. B.; Kohl, P.; Panfilov, A. V.; Tsaturyan, A. K.; Tsyvian, P. B.
2016Influence of mixed chimerism upon outcomes of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) in patients with non-malignant diseasesVakhonina, L.; Vyatkin, I.; Maysheva, N.; Tsaur, G.; Riger, T.; Demina, A.; Saveliev, L.; Arakaev, O.; Fechina, L.
2015Attenuation of Combined Nickel(II) Oxide and Manganese(II, III) Oxide Nanoparticles’ Adverse Effects with a Complex of BioprotectorsMinigalieva, I. A.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Privalova, L. I.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Gurvich, V. B.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Makeyev, O. H.; Panov, V. G.; Varaksin, A. N.; Grigoryeva, E. V.; Meshtcheryakova, E. Y.
2020Some outcomes and a hypothetical mechanism of combined lead and benzo (a)pyrene intoxication, and its alleviation with a complex of bioprotectorsMinigalieva, I. A.; Shtin, T. N.; Makeyev, O. H.; Panov, V. G.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvic, V. B.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Bushueva, T. V.; Sakhautdinova, R. R.; Klinova, S. V.; Solovyeva, S. N.; Chernyshov, I. N.; Shuman, E. A.; Korotkov, A. A.; Katsnelson, B. A.
2015Attempt to define the complexes of bat ectoparasites in the boreal Palaearctic regionOrlova, M. V.; Orlov, O. L.
2015Further development of mathematical description for combined toxicity: A case study of lead–fluoride combinationPanov, V. G.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Varaksin, An. N.; Privalova, L. I.; Kireyeva, E. P.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Valamina, I. E.; Beresnev, O. Yu.
2021Histomorphometric changes in the synovial membrane of the knee joint in combined use of the Ilizarov non-free bone plasty and the Masquelet technique (experimental study)Stupina, T. A.; Diuriagina, O. V.; Mokhovikov, D. S.; Stupina, Yu. А.; Borzunov, D. Yu.
Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 301 - 320 из 402