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dc.contributor.authorTarasov, N. I.en
dc.contributor.authorGumenetsky, D. V.en
dc.contributor.authorТарасов, Н. И.ru
dc.contributor.authorГуменецкий, Д. В.ru
dc.identifier.citationТарасов, Н. И. Применение мочевого маркера UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer antigen) в диагностике рецидивов рака мочевого пузыря после ТУР / Н. И. Тарасов, Д. В. Гуменецкий. – Текст: электронный // Уральский медицинский журнал. - 2009. – T. 58, № 4. – С. 122-126.ru
dc.description.abstractThe diagnostic value of the urinary bladder cancer (UBC) antigen as a tumor marker is not clear yet. We designed this study to compare the accuracy of the UBC antigen and voided urine cytology in patients with bladder cancer after transurethral resection (TUR). The subjects were 79 patients, comprising 41 patients with superficial bladder cancer and 38 patients with muscle-invasive tumors in bladder, who had been followed up after TUR. UBC antigen levels were measured by ELISA, using monoclonal antibodies specific for UBC antigen. The voided urine samples were examined for urine cytology and UBC before cystoscopy. The results of the diagnostic tests were compared with the pathology examination results. Of 79 patients, 37 had histologically confirmed transitional cell carcinoma. Results were positive for UBC in 29 and for urine cytology in 14 patients. Sensitivities and specificities were 61,5% and 96,4% for UBC, 15,4% and 100% for urine cytology for non-muscle-invasive cancer and 84 % and 100% for UBC, 48% and 100% for urine cytology in group patients with muscle-invasive cancer, respectively. Conclusion: The UBC test had acceptable sensitivity and specificity in our study. However, results of voided urine cytology and cystoscopy are significantly more reliable. A combination of tumor marker with other noninvasive methods may help diagnose reccurence tumors and lower the requirements for cystoscopy during follow- up.en
dc.publisherУральский Центр Медицинской и Фармацевтической Информацииru
dc.relation.ispartofУральский медицинский журнал. 2009. Т. 58, № 4.ru
dc.titleПрименение мочевого маркера UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer antigen) в диагностике рецидивов рака мочевого пузыря после ТУРru
dc.title.alternativeEmployment of urinary UBC to detect tumor reccurence of bladder cancer after transurethral resectionen
Располагается в коллекциях:Журнал "Уральский медицинский журнал"

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